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the peas are escaping...........

Thanks so much to all who let me know that they're getting the feed o.k. :) I'm just going to assume it's business as usual. It was a little weird to check it out and see I suddenly had no feed subscribers. Anyway, it seems to still be here goes.

Don't you love it when you see something and it just inspires you right away? Love, love how that works.

I had one of those moments a week or so ago. I was checking out the very talented Michele Beauchamp's blog when I saw this post using inapod in a spiral. Loved it! Inapod is such a cool looking tangle but I've never really used it - something about seeing it like this with the loose little tendrils just made me want to play with a tendril-ly inapod, too.

Here the result - you can never have enough green :)
