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challenge #104 - string theory

This weeks diva challenge........Tangle Patterns String 003.

So, a string..........yeeeeeah...........I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with strings. They push me way outside my comfort zone and make me really work to come up with something that is still "me" - sometimes this helps me to create something that I absolutely love. But on the flipside they're hard work for me. I hate hard work. LOL.

I thought about this weeks string for a while. Well, actually - I just sketched it out on a bit of scrap paper and pushed it to the far side of my desk and tried to ignore it. Last night avoidance was no longer working for me and the string demanded its share of attention. So, I sketched it out a few times in my art journal. After I played with a few ideas I had a bit of an epiphany. These lines were basically cone shapes. And, you know, I love, love, LOVE cone shapes.

After that, it was full steam ahead. Here's the result - unfortunately the pattern sections did not scan well through the centre, so it's a little fuzzy in parts.
Here it is with the string overlaid:
Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has come up with.