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Curly Bracket Love - Brax and Fleese PATTERNS

Now, I love curly brackets. Flowing lines, curves, the possibility of long scrolly bits........ hold on a minute.............squeeeeeeee........
o.k., deep breath, I'm calm, I'm calm.

So, how did I go from this weeks diva challenge string to a full-on curly bracket love-fest? Well, basically it comes right down to avoidance.

I headed upstairs to my art room yesterday fully planning to tackle the challenge. Unfortunately, I find string based challenges a little......well.......challenging, so when I drew out the example I was easily distracted by possibilities offered by string first thought was that it would work as flower/s:
Which then prompted this.
Which led to pages and pages (well, about 5) of curly bracket play before I got it out of my system and was ready to tackle the challenge (you can see the results in my challenge #99 post).

Brax pattern: I played with a few different types of grids to try and find the best way of working with these shapes - here's the one I liked the best.
Brax Variations: Lots of fill possibilities, this is just a few along with examples of how you could approach this with either an offset dot grid, or an x grid.
My favourite patterns are flexible - I want them to be able to curve, stretch, etc. Brax worked with this experiment. I also played with my grid being long rectangles instead of squares (I haven't got a pic of this), and really liked the results of having one set of "petals" short/fat the others long/thin.

Another quick bracket-y pattern, Fleese: it's a super simple one - reminded me of flying geese. Curly bracket starts at one side corner of diamond, tip touches top, then back down to other corner. I think it would look good with line fill in open area, but haven't had a chance to play with it.

I have a couple of other bracket-y patterns I'm playing with so will see what comes of them. Have a fantastic weekend!
