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Monday Moleskine 1

I am not really all that comfortable with "doodling" - I usually start my drawings with a bit of a plan - sure, they often evolve and change as I'm working on them, but I generally have a concept to start with.

Doodling starts with a random shape then grows from there - nothing predetermined. Well, this is how I am planning to approach it anyway.

Some people are incredible at I'd just like to improve and learn some new things.

So, I thought I would set myself a goal to get one doodle posted each Monday. I am using the Moleskine journals I bought a while back, they're a smaller format than my usual art journals - I am hoping that not needing to fill a big page will make these a quick and fun exercise each week.

I might not necessarily do the drawing on Monday (in fact I probably won't), but I'll post then........until I get sick of it. Which might be in a couple of months..........or next week!

So here is my first one:

I think I will always gravitate towards scrolls and flower shapes no matter what I do, though I am hoping to evolve in different directions as I become better at it.

I started with my micron .01, but found that it seemed to clag up on this paper and not flow properly. I've switched to a uniball - great ink flow, but I've got to be careful not to smudge it.